Working online from home seems to be the most picture perfect scenario anyone can imagine. Earning a work from home income obviously offers it advantages but with it comes a certain mental stress that is easily overlooked until you've actually experience it. With the growth and success many are achieving in online marketing more people are starting a small business in their homes. Although this does allow for folks to escape the traditional 'rat race' as we know it, these types of businesses are still fertile grounds for work related stress. No longer 'slaving away' in a 'formal' work environment no doubt offers its attractions but work is still work. The associated tensions and anxieties still exist and need to be addressed.
Due mainly to the solitude or isolation online entrepreneurs typically experience when working at home many stress related issues often go unnoticed. This can set the stage for even greater damaging effects if this stress is left unchecked.
Recognizing it does exist and can not be avoided here are 5 tips to help reduce the mental stress experienced when working at home.
Schedule Your Work Hours
It is important that you have pre-defined hours in which you conduct your work. Like a regular job you need start on time and avoid the habit of 'lingering' at work since it's right there in the home.
The hours that you set aside for work need to be maintained consistently. Don't allow the distractions/temptation of the home environment to disrupt this schedule.
Leave Work at the Desk
Once you've completed your work for the day walk away and forget about it. Having your work set up in the home may tempt you to 'sneak' in a little overtime since it is right there.
Discipline yourself to let work go till the next day. Whether you're aware of it or not you need the break to recharge your mind, energy and spirit.
Finding the Humor
As you know things don't always go according to plan so when the unexpected happens don't dwell on it but rather try to find the humor in it and let it go.
Schedule Personal Time
Schedule time for your personal life and maintain this schedule. It is important to maintain a 'balance' in your life between personal and professional pursuits in order to keep your mind and spirits healthy.
Realize that you personal endeavors are just as important, if not more so, then your profession since they better define who you are. Remember you work primarily to pay the bills so don't let this aspect of your life dominate you!
Consciously 'Slow Down'
Pay closer attention to your level of intensity as you work since subconsciously we have a tendency get too caught up in it leading to increased tension. If need be take the time to deliberately slow yourself down and take the 'edge' off. As your tension eases you will find your thoughts become clearer and your productivity increases.
Although working online from home does offer many freedoms it does not eliminate work related stress. When starting a small business in your home it is important to realize that stress could in fact take an even greater toll on you. Many online entrepreneurs enjoy earning a work from home income but also burn out quickly due to this stress. By consistently practicing the 5 tips we discussed above there is no reason you can't find long lasting financial success in the stress free environment of your home.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Power To Empower Yourself
A set of goals would empower you and you could then proceed to begin and follow your journey or voyage by setting your desired goals. Goal setting is indeed very necessary if you would like to empower yourself, as it is the initial step towards a more satisfying and fulfilling life. So to use personal empowerment to develop and further enhance your life, ample support from family, friends and relatives are essential and you need discipline as well to create and come up with the right and best decision in your life. Goal setting could be in the form of the achievable and the feasible and also, those which are not within your ability and your budget but that could be addressed later.
Personal empowerment will allow you to follow the dreams that are not within your means now. Take those small steps and set attainable and reachable goals within a brief time frame so that you would feel empowered when you accomplish them. Achieving goals become easier as you pursue and persist to empower yourself. You could take your time to experience your growth personally as it can be very empowering to aspire to move on and be more in life. There are several rewards you can reap to personal empowerment but you really need to think forward as goal setting would enhance your life for the better and likewise help you to attain more.
Inspiring moments are also helpful and it could enliven you more and move on to pursue and foresee more personal goals. As you pursue and reach every small goal, you can see positive and better changes in you and the succeeding set of goals become more and more challenging. You would begin to look forward to it and personal empowerment would form a life you truly desire and always dreamed about. Every personal growth would heighten and intensify your sense of power and ideas and ambition are no longer out of reach. You may also need to map out a group or team of action to handle with the several obstacles in life as they delay and postpone one’s progress.
Always bear in mind to keep pushing yourself and think positive at all times, as they can be so empowering. Get rid of the negative vibrations and feelings. It will take time, yet try to make it a routine to think more on a positive note. Turning negative into something optimistic is a good distinctive feature and never, ever giving up as endurance and perseverance and patient and tolerant in overcoming the many barriers and hindrances, and always looking forward is truly important to empower oneself. To create something out of your own life, there are myriad of ways out there but each begins with a small step.
To begin empowering yourself, you have to do things which truly interest you and along the way, you would be the person ever you will hold in high regard. Don’t stop empowering yourself because your personal empowerment and growth as a person will bring about self worth and positive image.
Personal empowerment will allow you to follow the dreams that are not within your means now. Take those small steps and set attainable and reachable goals within a brief time frame so that you would feel empowered when you accomplish them. Achieving goals become easier as you pursue and persist to empower yourself. You could take your time to experience your growth personally as it can be very empowering to aspire to move on and be more in life. There are several rewards you can reap to personal empowerment but you really need to think forward as goal setting would enhance your life for the better and likewise help you to attain more.
Inspiring moments are also helpful and it could enliven you more and move on to pursue and foresee more personal goals. As you pursue and reach every small goal, you can see positive and better changes in you and the succeeding set of goals become more and more challenging. You would begin to look forward to it and personal empowerment would form a life you truly desire and always dreamed about. Every personal growth would heighten and intensify your sense of power and ideas and ambition are no longer out of reach. You may also need to map out a group or team of action to handle with the several obstacles in life as they delay and postpone one’s progress.
Always bear in mind to keep pushing yourself and think positive at all times, as they can be so empowering. Get rid of the negative vibrations and feelings. It will take time, yet try to make it a routine to think more on a positive note. Turning negative into something optimistic is a good distinctive feature and never, ever giving up as endurance and perseverance and patient and tolerant in overcoming the many barriers and hindrances, and always looking forward is truly important to empower oneself. To create something out of your own life, there are myriad of ways out there but each begins with a small step.
To begin empowering yourself, you have to do things which truly interest you and along the way, you would be the person ever you will hold in high regard. Don’t stop empowering yourself because your personal empowerment and growth as a person will bring about self worth and positive image.
Break up with Girlfriend
A break up can be a hard thing to handle. There are many reasons why a relationship can end. If you are the victim of a break up and you are interested in getting your girlfriend back, there are steps you can take to make that happen. They may take time and patience but if you really love her and think you can make it work, it can be well worth the effort.
It is important for you to look at who left who and why. If there was infidelity on your part, you may have no chance of getting your girlfriend back. But if you work at correcting the problems or issues that led to the break up and can prove to your girlfriend that you have honestly changed, then you may be able to woo her and start forging a new and stronger future together.
Here are a few things that you can do.
The first is to be patient. Women have long memories and it is a given that if you left her, she has had time to remember the things that upset her in the past. You need to be patient and accept that she will feel this way. Women are emotional beings and the things they feel are important, they simply cannot excuse negative emotions. They need to discuss them with you and be assured that old behavior patterns will not pop up again.
The second is to be honest. You need to be honest about things that happened in the past. If you were unfaithful, acknowledge it and assure her that it will not happen again. Expect that she will have a hard time trusting you. After all, if you were unfaithful, usually you were also dishonest about what happened in the time before you broke up. So, she will have a history of broken trust.
If she was the one who was unfaithful, you have to build up your own trust that she will be faithful to you and will not cheat again. This can be hard but if you are honest with her it will give you the chance to work through issues before they can break you up again.
Be willing to talk with your partner. Men are much less verbal than women but if you want to have a chance of getting your girlfriend back, you will need to be willing to talk. Only through talking can you work through problems that happened in the past or will happen in future. If you talk to her you can help her see that you are being honest and faithful, and you can also communicate to her what you are feeling if she was unfaithful or left you.
Getting your girlfriend back can take work, dedication and a willingness to talk things through. If you want to have a chance of working things out, you need to make sure that you are committed to forging a future together and that you are willing to let the past rest in the past.
Want Your Ex Back? Find out what you need to do. Visit for a free report on Getting Your Ex Back at
It is important for you to look at who left who and why. If there was infidelity on your part, you may have no chance of getting your girlfriend back. But if you work at correcting the problems or issues that led to the break up and can prove to your girlfriend that you have honestly changed, then you may be able to woo her and start forging a new and stronger future together.
Here are a few things that you can do.
The first is to be patient. Women have long memories and it is a given that if you left her, she has had time to remember the things that upset her in the past. You need to be patient and accept that she will feel this way. Women are emotional beings and the things they feel are important, they simply cannot excuse negative emotions. They need to discuss them with you and be assured that old behavior patterns will not pop up again.
The second is to be honest. You need to be honest about things that happened in the past. If you were unfaithful, acknowledge it and assure her that it will not happen again. Expect that she will have a hard time trusting you. After all, if you were unfaithful, usually you were also dishonest about what happened in the time before you broke up. So, she will have a history of broken trust.
If she was the one who was unfaithful, you have to build up your own trust that she will be faithful to you and will not cheat again. This can be hard but if you are honest with her it will give you the chance to work through issues before they can break you up again.
Be willing to talk with your partner. Men are much less verbal than women but if you want to have a chance of getting your girlfriend back, you will need to be willing to talk. Only through talking can you work through problems that happened in the past or will happen in future. If you talk to her you can help her see that you are being honest and faithful, and you can also communicate to her what you are feeling if she was unfaithful or left you.
Getting your girlfriend back can take work, dedication and a willingness to talk things through. If you want to have a chance of working things out, you need to make sure that you are committed to forging a future together and that you are willing to let the past rest in the past.
Want Your Ex Back? Find out what you need to do. Visit for a free report on Getting Your Ex Back at
Breakfast with Cinnamon
Bread machines have become more & more popular lately. A lot of homes now are equipped with bread machines, especially with the growing popularity of bread as a healthier substitute for heavy meals.
Bread machines are easy to use and come equipped with manuals for omplete
instructions. The very first bread maker was marketed and released in Japan in 1986. It took a while before it became popular in U.S. and the U.K.
The most popular manufacturers of bread machines include Black & Decker,
Panasonic, Breville, Cuisinart, Moulinex, Toastmaster, Kenwood Limited and DeLonghi.
Bread machines usually have different cycles for each type of dough.This includes whole grain dough, straight white bread and European-style dough. But the newer bread machines have automatic timers which allow it to operate even without someone operating the equipment.
Contrary to popular belief, you could actually use bread machines to create more than just your plain loaf of bread. You could use it to create delicious bread varieties such as Cinnamon Raised Bread.
Cinnamon Raised Bread would be great breakfast accompaniments as well as perfect partners with after-meal coffee. Use your own bread maker to create tasty and delicious Cinnamon Raised Bread that you and your family can enjoy every morning.Here's a recipe to create that delicious Cinnamon Raised Bread.
You will need the following ingredients:
400 grams whole flour
2 tsps yeast
150 grams bread flour
3/4 tsp cinnamon; ground
100 grams mixed fruits/raisins
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 c water
1.5 tbsps sugar (brown)
1.5 tbsps oil (sunflower)
1.5 tbsps whey (powdered)
2 tbsps gluten
Get a pan big enough for the mixture and put all your ingredients inside your pan. Choose the appropriate cycle in your bread maker. Refer to your manual for this.
Place pan inside your machine then let it run continuously for about ten minutes. Afterwards, check your dough's consistency. Dough must have that sticky consistency. If consistency is not there yet, add in a teaspoon of water and cook for several minutes. Do these steps until you get the exact texture for your dough.
Since machine is automatic, it will finish off kneading all by itself then will shift to its baking cycle. After bread maker has completed its cycle, let bread cool inside your pan (10 mins.). This will allow crust to soften some more.
After bread has cooled enough, cut it using a sharp knife. Place a bit of butter on top if preferred. This bread will be excellent for serving with coffee or tea. The Cinnamon Raisin Bread will stay good for quite a few days if stored properly.
Bread machines are easy to use and come equipped with manuals for omplete
instructions. The very first bread maker was marketed and released in Japan in 1986. It took a while before it became popular in U.S. and the U.K.
The most popular manufacturers of bread machines include Black & Decker,
Panasonic, Breville, Cuisinart, Moulinex, Toastmaster, Kenwood Limited and DeLonghi.
Bread machines usually have different cycles for each type of dough.This includes whole grain dough, straight white bread and European-style dough. But the newer bread machines have automatic timers which allow it to operate even without someone operating the equipment.
Contrary to popular belief, you could actually use bread machines to create more than just your plain loaf of bread. You could use it to create delicious bread varieties such as Cinnamon Raised Bread.
Cinnamon Raised Bread would be great breakfast accompaniments as well as perfect partners with after-meal coffee. Use your own bread maker to create tasty and delicious Cinnamon Raised Bread that you and your family can enjoy every morning.Here's a recipe to create that delicious Cinnamon Raised Bread.
You will need the following ingredients:
400 grams whole flour
2 tsps yeast
150 grams bread flour
3/4 tsp cinnamon; ground
100 grams mixed fruits/raisins
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 c water
1.5 tbsps sugar (brown)
1.5 tbsps oil (sunflower)
1.5 tbsps whey (powdered)
2 tbsps gluten
Get a pan big enough for the mixture and put all your ingredients inside your pan. Choose the appropriate cycle in your bread maker. Refer to your manual for this.
Place pan inside your machine then let it run continuously for about ten minutes. Afterwards, check your dough's consistency. Dough must have that sticky consistency. If consistency is not there yet, add in a teaspoon of water and cook for several minutes. Do these steps until you get the exact texture for your dough.
Since machine is automatic, it will finish off kneading all by itself then will shift to its baking cycle. After bread maker has completed its cycle, let bread cool inside your pan (10 mins.). This will allow crust to soften some more.
After bread has cooled enough, cut it using a sharp knife. Place a bit of butter on top if preferred. This bread will be excellent for serving with coffee or tea. The Cinnamon Raisin Bread will stay good for quite a few days if stored properly.
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